Generative AI with Large Language Models: Hands-On Training

Book a Demo of Infery-LLM, Inference SDK for LLM Deployment Unlike previous models that relied on autoregressive training, BERT learns to predict missing words in a sentence by considering both the preceding and following context. This bidirectional approach enables BERT to capture more nuanced language dependencies. BERT has been influential in tasks such as question-answering,… Continue reading Generative AI with Large Language Models: Hands-On Training

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How Bot Manager Protects E-Commerce from ATO Attacks on Black Friday

What Is an eCommerce Chatbot and What Are Its Benefits? 💔” The company cancelled their online release altogether. Pristine Traffic automatically identifies visitors with a higher Propensity to Purchase (P2P). This helps increase conversions through the sales pipeline, increasing customer ROI. Social commerce is what happens when savvy marketers take the best of eCommerce and… Continue reading How Bot Manager Protects E-Commerce from ATO Attacks on Black Friday

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Natural language processing: state of the art, current trends and challenges SpringerLink

How to solve 90% of NLP problems: a step-by-step guide by Emmanuel Ameisen Insight Additionally, while all the sentimental analytics are in place, NLP cannot deal with sarcasm, humour, or irony. Jargon also poses a big problem to NLP – seeing how people from different industries tend to use very different vocabulary. NLP merging with… Continue reading Natural language processing: state of the art, current trends and challenges SpringerLink

Categorized as AI News

Intelligent automation IA benefits, components, and examples

Cognitive automation SpringerLink With such extravagant growth predictions, cognitive automation and RPA have the potential to fundamentally reshape the way businesses work. Our Educational Technology Services backed by analytics, AI and machine learning focusses on hyper personalized engagement over the lifetime of the learner. The way RPA processes data differs significantly from cognitive automation in… Continue reading Intelligent automation IA benefits, components, and examples

Categorized as AI News

10 Best Shopping Bots That Can Transform Your Business

15 Best Shopping Bots for eCommerce Stores You’ll need intermediate to advanced coding skills to build a bot on their dashboard. While their platform doesn’t offer coding support, it’s free to use and to register and launch your bot on the Kik Bot Shop. Talent will shift from task focus to offering expertise and experience.… Continue reading 10 Best Shopping Bots That Can Transform Your Business

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Top Use Cases of Insurance Chatbots

Improving Health Insurance Chatbots with Conversational AI The lack of post-sales service and support happens to be one of the major reasons why agents decide to end their relationship with the insurance provider. Beyond providing them with education about the products, they also need to be supported on aspects pertaining to commissions, payment terms and policies.… Continue reading Top Use Cases of Insurance Chatbots

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An Ultimate Guide on Real Estate Chatbot in 2022

9 Best Real Estate Chatbots & How to Use Them Guide Let’s dig into some examples so you can envision how a bot would fit into your business’s strategy. In addition, the Ideta ‘dashboard’ allows you to keep an eye on your chatbot’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Chatbots do not differentiate between activities and work… Continue reading An Ultimate Guide on Real Estate Chatbot in 2022

Categorized as AI News

The Power of Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: Redefining Manufacturing

Robots and Artificial Intelligence HowStuffWorks For example, the Mako robot from Stryker is a surgical assistant that helps surgeons in hip and knee replacement. It combines 3D imagining, smart robotic arms, and real-time data collection to reconstruct the bone structure and highlight areas of interest. The system is installed in 35 countries and has completed… Continue reading The Power of Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: Redefining Manufacturing

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